15 Sun Catchers DIY How To Make [Easy To Make]

Have you ever wanted to bring a burst of color and light into your home? Suncatchers are a fantastic way to do just that! 

Many of us struggle to find easy and creative DIY projects that add a personal touch to our living spaces. 

In this article, I’ll share some exciting sun catcher DIY ideas that are simple to make and perfect for brightening up any room.

Sun Catchers DIY How To Make

Suncatchers, also known as light catchers, are captivating decorative pieces designed to capture and reflect sunlight. 

Hung in windows, these vibrant ornaments transform daylight into dazzling displays of color and light, creating a mesmerizing visual effect. 

Often crafted from glass or acrylic, sun catchers can range from simple geometric shapes to intricate designs, adding a touch of elegance and brilliance to any indoor space.

1. Stained Glass Sun Catcher

Stained glass sun catchers are a timeless way to bring color into your home. To create your own, start with a simple stained glass kit available at most craft stores. 

You’ll need glass pieces, copper foil, and solder. Choose a design that appeals to you, whether it’s a simple geometric pattern or something more intricate like flowers or birds. 

Carefully cut the glass pieces to fit your design, wrap the edges in copper foil, and then solder them together. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and wear safety glasses. 

Once your piece is complete, attach a loop at the top for hanging. Hang it in a sunny window, and watch as the light transforms your room with vibrant colors.

2. Beaded Sun Catcher

Creating a beaded sun catcher is a fun and easy project that anyone can do. You’ll need some transparent or translucent beads, strong thread or fishing line, and a small metal hoop. 

Start by threading the beads onto the fishing line, creating patterns or mixing colors as you like. Tie each strand of beads securely to the metal hoop, spacing them evenly around the circle. 

For a more dramatic effect, use beads of different sizes and shapes. Once all the strands are attached, add a loop of thread or a metal hook to the top of the hoop.

Hang your beaded sun catcher in a sunny spot, and enjoy the way it catches and reflects the light.

3. Mason Jar Lid Sun Catcher

Mason jar lid sun catchers are a charming and rustic addition to any home. To make one, gather some mason jar lids, clear glue, and a variety of small, colorful items like beads, sequins, and pieces of broken glass or tile. 

Place the lid flat on your work surface and arrange your decorative items inside it. 

Once you’re happy with your design, fill the lid with clear glue, covering all the items. Let it dry completely, which might take up to 24 hours. 

Once dry, attach a piece of ribbon or twine to the top for hanging. These sun catchers are perfect for adding a splash of color to your kitchen or garden.

4. Nature-Inspired Sun Catcher

For a sun catcher that brings a bit of the outdoors inside, try a nature-inspired design. 

Gather some clear contact paper, a wooden embroidery hoop, and a variety of flat, natural items like leaves, flower petals, and small feathers. 

Cut two pieces of contact paper to fit the embroidery hoop, and press one piece sticky side up onto the hoop. 

Arrange your natural items on the sticky surface, then cover with the second piece of contact paper. 

Trim any excess, and your sun catcher is ready to hang. This project is perfect for kids and makes a beautiful addition to any room.

5. Wire-wrapped Crystal Sun Catcher

Wire-wrapped crystal sun catchers are elegant and easy to make. You’ll need a crystal or gemstone, some thin wire, and a small metal ring. 

Start by wrapping the wire around the top of the crystal to create a secure loop, leaving some extra wire to attach to the ring. 

Twist the wire into decorative patterns or spirals for added flair. Attach the wire to the metal ring, and add a loop for hanging. 

These sun catchers look stunning in any window and make wonderful gifts. The crystals will catch the sunlight and create beautiful, colorful reflections in your home.

6. Shell and Driftwood Sun Catcher

Bring a touch of the beach to your home with a shell and driftwood sun catcher. Collect some small shells, pieces of driftwood, and thin fishing line or string. 

Drill small holes in the shells and pieces of driftwood. Thread the fishing line through the holes, tying knots to secure each piece in place. 

Create multiple strands of shells and driftwood, and tie them to a larger piece of driftwood or a metal hoop. 

Hang a sun catcher in a sunny spot to remind you of your favorite beach days. The natural elements will create a serene and calming effect as they catch the light.

7. Button Sun Catcher

A button sun catcher is a fun and whimsical project that’s perfect for using up spare buttons. You’ll need a selection of colorful buttons, some clear string or fishing line, and a metal hoop. 

Start by threading the buttons onto the string, tying knots to keep them in place. Create multiple strands of buttons, varying the lengths and colors for an interesting look. 

Attach the strands to the metal hoop, spacing them evenly. Add a loop of string to the top for hanging. 

When hung in a sunny window, the buttons will catch the light and create a playful, colorful display.

8. Recycled CD Sun Catcher

Give old CDs a new life by turning them into dazzling sun catchers. Collect some old CDs, a pair of scissors, and some clear fishing line. Carefully cut the CDs into different shapes and sizes. 

Punch a small hole near the edge of each piece. Thread the fishing line through the holes and tie knots to secure each piece. 

Create several strands of CD pieces and attach them to a metal hoop or a piece of driftwood. 

Hang your sun catcher in a sunny spot, and enjoy the way the CDs reflect the light, creating a sparkling, colorful effect.

9. Paper Quilling Sun Catcher

Paper quilling sun catchers are delicate and beautiful. To make one, you’ll need some colorful quilling paper, a quilling tool, clear glue, and a small metal ring. 

Use the quilling tool to roll the paper into various shapes and sizes, creating coils, spirals, and other patterns. 

Glue the shapes together to form your design, and then attach the finished piece to the metal ring. Add a loop of thread or string for hanging. 

These sun catchers are lightweight and can be made in any color scheme to match your decor. Hang them in a sunny window to enjoy the intricate patterns and colors.

10. Plastic Bottle Sun Catcher

Transform plastic bottles into colorful sun catchers with just a few supplies. You’ll need some empty plastic bottles, permanent markers, and a clear fishing line. 

Cut the bottles into different shapes, like flowers or abstract designs. Use the permanent markers to color the plastic pieces, creating vibrant, translucent designs. 

Punch small holes near the edges of each piece and thread the fishing line through the holes. 

Create several strands of plastic pieces and attach them to a metal hoop or a piece of driftwood. 

Hang your sun catcher in a sunny spot, and watch as the colored plastic catches the light and creates a beautiful display.

11. Gemstone Sun Catcher

Gemstone sun catchers add a touch of elegance to any room. Gather some small gemstones, thin wire, and a metal hoop. 

Wrap the wire around the gemstones to create secure loops, leaving extra wire to attach to the hoop. 

Twist the wire into decorative patterns for added flair. Attach the wire-wrapped gemstones to the metal hoop, spacing them evenly. Add a loop of wire or string for hanging. 

These sun catchers are perfect for adding a bit of sparkle to your home. The gemstones will catch the sunlight and create beautiful reflections.

12. Snowflake Sun Catcher

Snowflake sun catchers are perfect for winter decor. You’ll need some clear plastic sheets, a snowflake template, and white glue. 

Place the template under the plastic sheet and trace the snowflake pattern with the glue. Let the glue dry completely, which may take several hours. 

Once dry, carefully peel the snowflake off the plastic sheet. Punch a small hole at the top and thread a piece of fishing line through the hole for hanging. 

These sun catchers look lovely in a sunny window, adding a touch of winter magic to your home.

13. Feather Sun Catcher

Feather sun catchers bring a natural, airy feel to your decor. Collect some feathers, a clear fishing line, and a metal hoop. Tie the feathers to the fishing line, creating several strands of feathers. 

Attach the strands to the metal hoop, spacing them evenly. Add a loop of string or fishing line to the top for hanging. 

These sun catchers are perfect for adding a bohemian touch to your home. The feathers will catch the light and create a soft, delicate display.

14. Painted Glass Sun Catcher

Painted glass sun catchers allow for endless creativity. You’ll need some glass paint, a small glass panel or a piece of clear plastic, and a paintbrush. 

Clean the glass or plastic thoroughly and let it dry. Use the glass paint to create your design, whether it’s abstract patterns, flowers, or your favorite animals.

Let the paint dry completely, which may take several hours. Once dry, attach a loop of string or fishing line for hanging. 

Hang your sun catcher in a sunny window, and enjoy the way the painted design catches the light and adds color to your room.

15. Flower Pressed Sun Catcher

Flower-pressed sun catchers are a lovely way to preserve the beauty of nature. Gather some fresh flowers, clear contact paper, and a wooden embroidery hoop. 

Press the flowers between heavy books for several days until they are completely dry. 

Cut two pieces of contact paper to fit the embroidery hoop, and press one piece sticky side up onto the hoop. 

Arrange the pressed flowers on the sticky surface, then cover them with the second piece of contact paper. Trim any excess, and your sun catcher is ready to hang. 

This idea is perfect for showcasing the delicate beauty of flowers and adds a touch of nature to any room.

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